Shaw End Mansion

  • Shaw End

  • Time to chat

  • Free to fly!

  • Ed feeding a pet lamb

  • Spring has arrived!

  • The gateway

  • Free to run!

Latest News:  Shaw End

  1. We are OPEN!


    July 07, 2020   -   Shaw End

    And ready for our guests

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  2. Opening our doors,


    May 27, 2020   -   Shaw End

    4th July

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  3. Spring

    April 05, 2020   -   Shaw End

    Missing you all!

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  4. Lambs at Shaw End!

    F4f31b92-c5e0-4f14-accf-00a70d625ae2 E92a9af1-a475-4bb3-8c72-93355df8c172

    March 13, 2020   -   Shaw End, Haveriggs Farm

    First lamb

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  5. Happy New Year!


    January 08, 2020   -   Shaw End

    And Best Wishes to all our Shaw End friends

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